OC Star

This part of the study of the orders and medals of Indochina lists and comments on the orders, decorations, and medals of the French Protectorate of Cambodia, Kingdom of Cambodia and Khmer Republic, and the revived current Kingdom of Cambodia - from 1864 until the present.

Many of the awards of the earlier Kingdom of Cambodia and Khmer republic have not been revived by the current Kingdom and are now obsolete.

A complimentary website is also produced by Ed Emering at The Medalhound http://www.themedalhound.com/french/index.html in the Cambodia section.

The best reference for Cambodian Decorations from 1954 to the present is the book Cambodian Decorations of Honor by Geoffrey P. Oldham & Brett Delahunt available at http://www.milimem.com. Particular depth is covered there for the current Kingdom of Cambodia - for which should be referred beyond the brief coverage of the current Kingdom here.

In this study there are certainly errors and omissions. The earlier regimes in Indochina are destroyed. The records and memories that can be examined are mostly those abroad. In regard to some Cambodian awards mysteries remain.

It should be noted that the Cambodian, Lao, and Thai scripts are based on south Indian Sanskrit alphabets such as those of Pallava and East Calukya brought in by early Hindu immigrants. These handsome scripts differ some, but not much, from each other. Just as with other Asian writing systems, they are transliterated into roman script according to various systems, which can lead to confusion.

Any additional assistance, information, other examples, etc are highly appreciated. Please contact me at rdavemail-medals@yahoo.com.

    David Fay