PC454 Certain Division's Participation in the Defensive Battle Against Vietnam (Triumphant Return) Memorial Medal
  Medal Name Text (phonetic transcription)
date of issue - December 1986- June 1988
  Authority: Certain Division
  Design: round non-portable medal, darkened copper, 50mm across
    Obverse: (each divisions medal design is different);
    Reverse: (each divisions medal design is different);

In order to reward the achievements of certain divisions during the defensive battle against Vietnam, the senior official of the Ministry of Defense wrote a dedication to the division, which was “Courageous and skillful in battle, defending the nation's border territory”. This division at the same time was issued a Battle Against Vietnam Memorial Medal.

Certain Division's Participation in the Defensive Battle Against Vietnam (Triumphant Return) Memorial Medal
Certain Division's Participation in the Defensive Battle Against Vietnam (Triumphant Return) Memorial Medal

Certain Division's Participation in the Defensive Battle Against Vietnam (Triumphant Return) Memorial Medal Certain Division's Participation in the Defensive Battle Against Vietnam (Triumphant Return) Memorial Medal
Obverse Reverse
with inscription above Medal Name Text meaining Triumphant Return
Certain Division's Participation in the Defensive Battle Against Vietnam (Triumphant Return) Memorial Medal