FI01 Military and Native Guard Merit Medal
FI03 Early Honor Medals before 1900
FI03 Honor Medal of the Government General
FI08 Penitentiary Service Medal
FI11 Indochina Posts and Telegraph Medal
FI12 Indochina Posts, Telegraph, & Telephone Medal
FI13 Indochina Radio Service Medal
FI15 Overseas France Railways Medal for Indochina
Books of René MATHIS - Médailles d'honneur |
1. René MATHIS, La Médaille d'Honneur des Douanes, 1936, pp 29-32.
Française | English |
2. René MATHIS, La Médaille d'Honneur des Eaux et Forêts, 1933, p 36.
Française | English |
The Medal of Honor A medal of honor of Forestry of Indochina, instituted on April 3rd, 1928, is awarded to officials or active agents in connection with the activity of the Forestry Administration with fifteen years of service including at least ten in the Forestry Administration in Indochina, either having distinguished themselves by acts of courage in office or by useful work in the Colony. There are allocated eighty medals (fifty to Europeans and thirty to natives). The medal is polygonal and bears on the obverse the letters R. F. intertwined in a hunting horn filled with foliage and the inscription "Forestry Service" flanked by two dragons. The reverse reads "Forestry Service" and "Honor and Merit." The ribbon is formed of bands of yellow, green and red and a width of 26 mm. The wearing the medal may be suspended or revoked by the Governor General. The medal is awarded without allowance for conservators and inspectors, and with allowance for general and principle guards and native agents. This allowance is paid, during their lifetime, to the holders: two hundred francs per year to Europeans and twenty piasters for natives. We owe this information to the benevolence of Mr Pasquier, Gouverneur General of Indochina ; that he finds here the expression of our respectful gratitude. |
3. René MATHIS, La Médaille d'Honneur des Postes, Télégraphes, et Téléphones, 1933, pp 33-35.
Française | English |
The Medals of Honor of P. T. T. of Indochina, Madagascar and the Dependencies The medals of bronze and silver of the P. T. T. of Indochina were instituted by the decree of 24 March 1928 on a proposal from the Governor General of Indochina and on report of the Minister of Colonies. They are awarded by the Governor on the recommendation of the Director of P. T. T. of the Colony, to the officials of this administration who have distinguished themselves by long and impeccable service, or by acts of devotion and courage in the line of duty. It is specified that the agents (European or native) of P. T. T. of Indochina could receive the bronze medal: 1° for fifteen years of actual services beyond reproach (not including military services) including ten at least in Indochina, 2° for acts of exceptional courage, or devotion in functions, 3° for work especially useful to the Administration. The silver medal may be awarded: 1° to the holders of the bronze medal for more than five years or the military medal or legionaries fulfilling the conditions required for the bronze medal, 2° postal workers who have distinguished themselves by acts of devotion or courage or exceptional services. Promotions take place on January 1st and on July 14th, as well as on the occasion of ceremonies and solemnities. There may be granted a maximum of one hundred bronze medals (thirty to European personnel and seventy to natives) and fifty silver medals (twenty to European personnel and thirty to natives). This quota is fixed and not annual ; once these figures are achieved medals are no longer awarded medals except to the extent of extinctions. It was expected a medal of twenty-seven millimeters (repeating the error of the order of 24 April 1882 for the French medal) with the reverse the inscription "French Indochina". In reality, the medal is similar to the obverse and reverse of the third variety of the second model of France, only the legend "French Republic" has been replaced on the obverse with "French Indochina". The work of Tasset, it was struck at the Paris Mint, and the ribbons and rosette are also similar to those of the medals of France. Medals, ribbons and certificates are provided free of charge to the recipients. In the case of serious misconduct the authorization to wear the medal may be suspended or withdrawn by decision of the Governor General. Originally the award of the medal entitled only to 100 francs per year payable during the lifetime of the holder, except in case of suspension or expulsion. For the native agents the allowance was counted at the beginning in piasters in the rate of 2 fr. 50 to one, but the order of 4 July 1930 fixed this allowance to 10 piasters for those who would receive the medal after July 4th. Finally the order dated March 30, 1931 carried, from 1 January 1931, the allocation to 200 francs for European agents and to 20 piasters for natives, except for those who received the medal before the July 4, 1930 whom shall remain subject to the regulations of the decree of July 7, 1928. The medals of the P. T. T. of Madagascar and dependencies were instituted by the decree of 11 June 1929. The order of 23 August 1929 regulated the awarding of these medals (bronze and silver) created on the proposal of the Governor General of Madagascar and on report of the Minister of Colonies. They can be awarded or withdrawn by the Governor on the proposal of the Director of P. T. T. of the Colony to the agents of the P. T. T. and of the local wireless telegraphy under the same conditions as those of Indochina. The quotas are also similar; the same error on the diameter of the medal has been reproduced in the decree of 23 August ; the medals, the works of Tasset, are struck at the Paris Mint and differ from those of France by the replacement of the "French Republic" legend with "Madagascar and Dependencies" ; The ribbons and the rosette are similar. The awardee of medals is entitled to an annual allowance of 100 francs paid during the life of the holder, except in case of suspension or expulsion. Medals, ribbons and diplomas are issued free of charge. We owe all this information to the kindness of Messrs. the Governors-General of French Indochina and Madagascar and Dependencies; that they find here the expression of our respectful gratitude. |