CM2 - National Order of Independence
CM4 - Royal Order of Sahametrei
CM7 - Medal of National Defense
CM11 - Medal of Sisowath Monivong
CM12 - Medal of Norodom Sihanouk
CM13 - Medal of Norodom Suramarit
CM15 - Royal Order of Sowathara
CM16 - Royal Order of Moniseraphon
CM17 - Anussara Medal of Royal Remembrance
CM18 - Khemar Patekar Medal of Cambodian Recognition
CM20 - Khemara Kelarith Sports Medal
CM21 - Medal of Immaculateness
CM22 - Satrei Vathan Medal of Feminine Merit
CM23 - Royal Order of Industrial Merit
CM24 - Roayl Order of Labor Merit
CM27 - Order of Outstanding Service to the State
CM28 - Medal for the Royal Crusade for Independence
CM29 - Medal of People's Socialist Community
CM30 - Medal of Preah Vesandar
Miscellaneous references / decrees replated to the Royal Order of Cambodia.
1. Journal Official Indo-Chine Française 1891 pt2 p6.
Française | English |
Par dépêche en date du 15 novembre 1890, M. le Sous-secrétaire d'État des colonies a modifié comme suit le tarif des droits de chancellerie fixé par décision du 3 mai 1890 pour les décorations du Cambodge et du Dragon d'Annam.
Les insignes des décorations ne seront plus fournis aux intéressés. Les dispositions de la décision du 3 mai 1890, exemptant du droit de sceau les militaires et fonctionnaires hiérarchiquement proposés, sont maintenues. |
By telegram dated November 15, 1890, the Under-Secretary of State for Colonies amended as follows the tariff charges of the Chancery fixed by the decision of 3 May 1890 for the decorations of Cambodia and the Dragon of Annam.
The insignia of the decorations will no longer be provided to interested parties. The provisions of the Decision of 3 May 1890 exempting the stamp duty that the military and civil servants hierarchy proposed, are maintained. |